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Directed by FEVER FILMS
Screenplay: Mário
Edition: Lucas FDS
Art direction: Julie K, Mário and Lucas FDS
Makeup:Mayanna Rodrigues
Produced by @feverfilm.s

"SEXTALK" é um filme experimental e interativo produzido e idealizado pela equipe FEVER FILMS. No dia 7 de setembro, realizou-se uma LIVE no Instagram da produtora (@feverfilm.s) para que os atores conversassem com os seguidores e pedissem sugestões do que poderia acontecer no filme.

"SEXTALK" is an experimental and interactive movie produced and thought by the FEVER FILMS team. On September 7th a live on the film producer's Instagram (@feverfilms) were hold so the actors could talk to the followers and ask for suggestion about what could happen in the movie
A film that combines a lot of conversation with a delicious threesome between Emme White, Mário and Talmo

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